Saturday, October 13, 2007

Holden's Christmas List - 2007

Onto Holden's list.

  • Any of the K'nex building sets. Especially the big tubs of pieces. He loves to build stuff with K'nex.
  • He still plays with Attacktix. Hasbro makes Marvel, Star Wars and Transformers versions. The Marvel ones are his favorite, but he likes them all.
  • He also loves the game Heroscape. He has the master game set, but Hasbro has released several expansion sets. These can usually be found on the aisle with the board games.
  • Harder to find, but just as cool are the Heroclix sets and booster packs. Holden is only into the DC (Superman, Batman, etc.) and Marvel (Spider-Man, Hulk, etc.) varieties. You can find these online, at some toy stores and at most comic book stores. I've also seen them at Barnes & Noble and Borders. At the bookstores, they usually keep them behind the counter.
And, of course, Holden's updated Amazon Wish List can be found here:


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